Hey everyone! In the spirit of the Academy Awards we'd like to break from talking exclusively about us and send out a few thank yous.
First of all (and this has been a long time coming, sorry we've been so behind), thanks to You've Got Maille over at the Chainmailler's Guild for featuring our Freeform 4 in 1 Necklace. We were so psyched when she asked and even more so when we read her editorial on the piece. For us, it was just another adventure in chainmaille and metalsmithing...we never really looked at it outside our little box.
Our next thank you goes out to Erika over at IndieSpotting for featuring our HooDoo Galaxy Necklace on her Gallery Blog. For those of you who have never been, it's chock full of unique goodies made by independant artisans from all corners of the web. She even accepts your indie finds! Check it out. We found it hard not to spend our PayPal account :)
And of course, we'd like to thank our customers (past, present, and future). Without you all we would not have a reason to sit here and make more jewelry. For us, it's more than just a side venture from our real life jobs, it's a passion. We look forward to creating more jewelry and watching it go to loving homes.
Pete and Leane
Skelly Designs
How to Make Chainmail
12 years ago